I stumbled upon these while looking for a case that was made of TPU material.
I've always had phone cases of this material and I highly recommend this kind if you want a case that isn't so bulky.
I fell in love with TPU cases about 5 years ago, and have never had any other type of case since then. (AND I DROP MY PHONE A LOT!)
This material gives you the bendy, flexible benefit (like silicone) and also a sturdy plastic type feeling so that it doesn't stretch out, (like plain silicone cases usually do... drives me nuts).
So, when you drop your phone, it just bounces and no damage comes of it, and it doesn't break or fall off like those stupid snap-on plastic cases do!!
Anyways! My boyfriend wanted a red case, so I saw this on amazon and I thought, "Well, perfect, found a red one". Then, of course put it in my amazon shopping cart, but I wasn't able to pick one color! I didn't want them to send me a random color that I didn't want...
So I went back and actually read the whole description.. like I should've done in the first place! And it said that you actually get ALL 9 CASES!! I was super excited!!! All for only $15.99! And $21.35 after shipping... which is only $2.37 per case including shipping!!
Now, I know you can't find that price ANYWHERE at those kiosks in the malls. They're such rip-off's there!
Killer deal, right?! So I was wayyy excited! Especially since I already had my phone for a few days, and needed a case ASAP!
Of course, since my favorite color is orange, I chose the orange case!

A few air bubbles near the top it looks like, but I've found that they go away after the phone "settles in".
Love these cases!
*** Update 3/1/14: Still using these cases and rotating between all of the colors and I'm still in love with them! :D
Have a good day!!
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